Siako Powder 500g - Food Grade Plaster Of Paris Calcium Sulfate Gypsum Concentrated Tauge Production Taugeh
Penggunaan Santoso didalam pengeluaran dan tanaman tauge amat penting sekali agar hasil tauge menjadi lebih berkualiti dengan kesan akar yang tidak panjang dan fizikal tauge tidak terlalu kurus. Cara penggunaannya adalah seperti berikut:- 1. Kacang Hijau atau Kacang Hitam yang terpilih haruslah bersihkan terlebih dahulu dengan bilasan air bersih(sebaik-baiknya air tanpa Klorin/Air perigi/Air Hujan), dan mana-mana kacang yang timbul diatas permukaan air dibuang. 2. Rendam Kacang tadi dengan Air bersih yang telah dicampurkan dengan Santoso(sukatan=1-2 titik) dan biarkan rendaman selama 8-10jam. 3. Buang Air rendaman tadi dan bilas Kacang dengan air bersih(1-2kali sahaja). 4. Toskan Kacang yang telah dibilas dan gaulkan dengan serbuk Siako(plaster of Paris) selama 2-3 jam. 5. Setelah itu barulah siraman Pertama(10-15minit X 8kali sehari). Santoso adalah sejenis cecair yang berfungsi mengawal akar tauge agar tidak terlalu panjang dan juga mengemukkan fizikal tauge.
Santoso Tauge Rooting Hormone - Taugeh Concentrate Rooting Agent Food Grade 55ml Solution Siako
How to grow bean sprouts (and other sprouts!)
You can sprout mung beans on your kitchen counter in as little as four days. Sprouting lentils is just as easy. While using a fancy automatic sprouter can make the job mindless, you don’t need any special equipment to be successful. You can start growing sprouts in a mason jar or a cotton bag.
Once you’ve learned how to grow bean sprouts, you’ll be able to sprout a variety of different beans, all winter long. They are crunchy, nutritious, and rich in antioxidants. (You might also want to try growing microgreens, like these sunflower sprouts.)
Why choose lentils and mung beans?
Beans contain indigestible proteins that are difficult to digest. They need to be soaked and cooked in order to make them digestible.
Unsprouted, they are starchy and contain lectins. Lectins are implicated in food allergies, auto-immune disease, and inflammation. But lectins are removed from food through sprouting or fermentation.
When beans are sprouted they become as easy to digest as other vegetables. They increase in vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes, too.
Different types of legumes for sprouting
1. Mung beans (above) are tiny green beans. It’s amazing how big the sprouts can grow when you consider how very tiny the seed is. Two tablespoons of seed is enough to grow four cups of sprouts. They are a powerhouse of flavor and nutrition.
2. Lentils come in a variety of sizes and colors. The smallest sizes are best for sprouting lentils. They seem to sprout faster than green lentils. The red lentils often used in Indian cooking are split and won’t sprout, so avoid those. (Lentils are not technically a bean, but they’re sprouted the same way.)
Step by step: How to grow bean sprouts in a mason jar
1. You don’t need to buy special sprouting seeds to successfully sprout beans – but make sure your seeds are organic. Organic seeds will be chemical free, non-irradiated, and GMO-free.
2. Wash a wide mouth mason jar and rinse it well to remove any soap residue.
3. Prepare a piece of window screen to fit your wide mouth mason jar. I use polyester window screen on my sprouting jars, drawing a circle on the screen using the mouth of the jar as my pattern. I cut around the circle. Then my sprouting screen is ready to use. If you don’t have spare window screen laying around your kitchen, you can get specially made sprouting screens from Amazon. This one will fit a wide mouth jar and is BPA-free.
4. Place two tablespoons of bean seeds in your one-quart mason jar.
5. Place the screened lid on the mason jar.
6. Fill the jar ½ full with cold water. Let the mung beans soak overnight.
7. Rinse the mung beans in the morning and turn the jar upside down to drain.
8. Rinse and drain the seeds twice a day for 4 to 6 days. The mung beans are ready to eat when the white sprout is at least 1.5 cm long. At this length the lectins in the bean are converted
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